TM 11-6625-496-45
*C 2
Field (Fourth Echoion) and Depot Maintenance Manual
WASHINGTON, D.C., 23 April 1964
No. 2
TM 11-6625-496-45, 3 July 1962, is changed as follows:
Page 7, paragraph 8a(2) (as change by C1,13
Page 2, paragraph 1. Delete subparagraph c
Jan 64). At the end of subparagraph (2), insert:
(including the note) and d and substitute:
Note. In some test" probes, L7302 has been re-
c. For applicable forms and records, see para-
placed by 270-ohm resistor R7304. A 510-f
graph 2. TM 11-6625-496-12.
capacitor C7304 has been added. (See note in
d. The direct reporting, by the individual user,
figure 5.) Capacitor C7302 has been removed.
of errors, omissions, and recommendations for im-
Figure 4, FIRST 47.0 MC AMPL (as changed
proving this manual is authorized and encouraged.
by C 1, 13 Jan 64). Change the transistor Q7702
DA Form 2028 (Recommended changes to DA
type from "2N502A" to: 2N502B.
technical manual parts lists or supply manual 7,
After paragraph 8a(2) add (as added by C 1, 13
8, or 9) will be used for reporting these improve-
Jan 64):
ments. This form will be completed in triplcate
by the use of pencil, pen, or typewriter. The
oscillations, s o m e RF amplifier test
original and one copy will be forwarded direct to
Commanding Officer, U.S. Army Electronics Ma-
probes have been modified as follows
teriel Support Agency, ATTN: SELMS-MP, Fort
(note 1, fig. 5.1).
Monmouth, N.J. 07703. One information copy
(a) Inductor 1.7302 has been removed.
will be furnished to the individual's immediate
(b) Resistor R7304 and C7304 have been
supervisor (officer, noncommissioned officer, super-
wired in as shown in figure 5.1.
visor, etc.).
oscillations in RF amplifier test probes
Add paragraph 1.1 after paragraph 1:
that me permanent] y sealed, components
1.1. index of Publications
have been added to the test probe out-
Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-4 to
puts (note 2, fig. 5.1) as follows:
determine whether there are new editions, changes,
Resistor R7304 and a 0.l-f capacitor
or additional publications pertaining to the equip-
are connected in series and wired be-
ment DA Pam 310-4 is an index of current tech-
tween the RF output of the probe and
nical manuals, technical bulletins, supply manuals
ground (fig. 5.1).
(types 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9), supply bulletins, lubrica-
(b) A 510-f capacitor is connected be-
tion orders, and modification work orders avail-
tween the audio output of the. probe
able through publications supply channels. The
and ground.
index lists the individual parts (-10, -20, -35P,
(c) These components are mounted inside
etc. ) and the latest changes to and revisions of each
the case of the test set near the en-
equipment publication.
trance of the probe cable.
Page 5, figure 2, FIRST 11.5 MC AMPL (as
Page 8. (As added by C 1, 13 Jan 64) After
changed by C 1, 13 Jan 64). Change transistor
figure 5, insert figure 5.1.
Q7601 type from "2N502" to: 2N502B.
Page 6, figure 3 (as changed by C 1, 13 Jan 64).
Page 15, D of figure 10 (as changed by C 1, 13
Jan 64). Change the value of R7911 to: 84.5.
Change the value of R7707 from " 1800" to: 5.6K.
*This change supersedes C1, 13 January 1964.