drop in voltage measured by the
s u r e the condition given in (6)
ME-26B/U indicates that GREEN
indicator DS7902 has switched
h. Circuit 47-mc.
(1) Reduce the 606A output to 0 mv.
on. The 411A should idicate 220
(2) Turn the TS-1777/VRM-l selector
switch to position 18.
(8) If necessary, readjust R7708 to
assure the condition given in (7)
Adjust the 606A for an output of
47 mc at 210 mv as indicated by the
( 1 ) Reduce the 606A output to 0 volt dc.
(4) Adjust potentiometer R7718 for an
indication of approximately +1.5
(2) Turn the TS-1777/VRM-l selector
volts dc on the ME-26B/U (con-
switch to position 14.
(3) Adjust the 606A for an output of
nected to P7801-H).
11.5 mc at 14 mv as indicated by
(5) C a r e f u l l y adjust potentiometer
the 411A.
R7718 until a sudden drop in the
voltage measured by the ME-26B/U
(4) Adjust potentiometer R7611 for an
indicates that GREEN indicator
indication of approximately +2 volts
DS7902 has switched on.
dc by the ME-26B/U (connected to
(6) Reduce the 606A output to 0 mv;
then slowly increase it. Observe
(5) C a r e f u l l y adjust potentiometer
the voltage on the 411A when a
R7611 until a sudden drop in the
sudden drop in voltage on the ME-
voltage measured by the ME-26B/U
26B/U indicates that GREEN indi-
indicates that GREEN indicator
cator DS7902 has switched on. The
lamp DS7902 has switched on.
GREEN indicator should switch on
(6) Reduce the 606A output to 0 mv;
when the 411A indicates 210 mv.
then slowly increase it. Observe
(7) If necessary, readjust R7718 to as-
the voltage indication on the 411A
sure the condition in (6) above.
when a sudden drop in the voltage
(8) Reduce the 606A and PP-2309/U
on the ME-26B/U indicates that
outputs to 0 volt, turn all equipment
G R E E N indicator DS7902 has
switched on. The green indicator
off; remove the TS-1777/VRM-l
should switch on when the 411A
from the setup, and reassemble it
into its case as directed in para-
indicates 14 mv.
(7) If necessary, readjust R7611 to as-
Figure 22. Test setup for final adjustments, block digram.