F i g u r e 21. Fabrication of special test cables.
26B/U; adjust potentiometer R7801
(3) Use the Transistor Power Supply
in the increasing voltage direction
721A and apply +5 volts dc to the
until a sharp drop in voltages indi-
test probe.
cates transistor Q7801 has trig-
(4) Measure the voltage at connector
gered. This should occur at
P7801-H with the ME-26B/U; ad-
approximately +9.5 volts dc.
just potentiometer R7803 for ap-
(8) Reduce the output of the 721A to
proximately +0.5 volt dc.
zero, then carefully increase it to
(5) Measure the voltage of the emitter
10.5 volts dc as indicated by the
of transistor Q7801 (ungrounded
side of potentiometer R7801) with
(9) Measure the dc voltage at connec-
the ME-26B/U; adjust potentiom-
tor P7801-H with the ME-26B/U;
eter R7801 for approximately +1
volt dc .
carefully a d just potentiometer
(6) Measure the 721A output with the
R7803 until a sudden drop in the
measured voltage i n d i c a t e s
TS443/U; increase the output to
13.0 volts dc.
GREEN indicator DS7902 has
switched on.
(7) Measure voltage at the emitter of
transistor Q7801 with the ME-
(10) Reduce the output of the 721A to